Toward the Goal is currently being used, as it is created, in official Ambassadors Football ministries around the world and through some of our partners before it is released to the entire world free of charge.

Read in their own words the impact that this new ministry tool is having on reaching children for Christ.


“We recently did a soccer camp where we had 95 children coming from near and far, with some walking 30 to 45 minutes to reach the field. It was like a dream come true for me. The resources are very impactful for all the children, many who were listening to the gospel for the first time. We have even trained others to use the Toward the Goal to enhance their ongoing football ministry.”


“We had kids who did not have the confidence of speaking in front of people, who would only speak when asked a question and they would give a yes or no answer.

But through the the Toward the Goal curriculum, telling bible and football stories these kids gained confidence to narrate the stories with no fear. They gained confidence and self-worth to even share with their friends who are not in the program and family back at home.

Toward the Goal is making a difference to our kids and community.”


“The impact of Toward the Goal is that it draws the players attention to the Bible, even the teenagers can’t wait to see and hear the next part. With very little training the coach is able to engage them and journey deeper.”


“I recently used the Lesson 1 material at a weekly Academy that I was running in a school and thought I’d share how it went! The Academy is run for 9-12 year olds, and I’ve found the teaching time quite difficult before using the Toward the Goal content, because of the difficulty maintaining attention out on the football field. So engagement had previously been quite low.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much the videos captured the attention of all of these children, even the 12 year olds! These videos were able to get them to sit down, tell each other to be quiet and to sit and listen for over 5 minutes, which was an incredible improvement. They were also able to engage more in discussion afterwards, with a good understanding of the biblical concepts being brought forward, which led to some big questions and helpful discussions.”


“The bright and vibrant design of the material is a big plus for us here in Ireland. Our coaches have commented on the solid biblical truths that are easily teased out from the various stories and characters. What an amazing resource as we plan and prepare the many aspects of camp. To have this material gives us a great head start in our preparations for the most vital part of any Ambassadors Soccer Camp.”


“The materials were very useful and helpful to us in India as we were able to use it very effectively with our young players on a regular basis with those who are part of our football ministry.

With translation in 3 Indian languages (Hindi, Bengali, Tamil) we were able to use this resource with over 650 young players (boys & girls) across the country.

We also had an opportunity to use the Toward the Goal resources during the World Cup in November and December. The lessons were taught and the videos were shown on match days along with the screening of the World Cup matches on the big screen. This was a big attraction and many came forward and attended the lessons and watched the videos.

This is a great resource and will be very, very helpful in the long-term discipleship of players.”


“The Toward the Goal materials are one of the best tools that Ambassadors Football has ever created. The use of child-friendly images and videos is proving to be a highly effective means of sharing the gospel and other biblical truths to young people. Although it is presented with children in mind, the strength of this material lies in its commitment to the biblical story. It does not compromise the truth of Scripture even as the medium is highly creative. It captures the attention of kids and parents alike. Pastors, soccer camp coordinators, and parents have all expressed that Toward the Goal is a wonderful way to share Christ.”